Albert IrvinUNTITLED, 1988acrylic on canvas152 x 182.9 cm
Albert IrvinAlexandra, 2012acrylic on canvas101 x 152 cm
Clyde HopkinsSulfure et Zinc, 1990Oil on canvas192 x 176.5cm
Clyde HopkinsMay and Dagwood, 1991Oil on canvas182.5 x 170.5 cm
Alan GoukMinerals Series No 4, 2020oil on board36 cm x 54 cm
Alan GoukRain Opal, 2020oil on board61 cm x 92 cm
Alan GoukVenetian Agate, 2020oil on board61 cm x 97 cm
Alan GoukBlue Macaw, 2020oil on board61 cm x 97 cm
Alan GoukFlying Fox - Orientation 1, 2020oil on board60cm x 103 cm
Alan GoukLe Tourbillon Des Chauves-souris, 2020oil on board61 cm x 97 cm
Daisy CookAbstract Tree with Raw Sienna, 2021oil on panel86 x 66 cm Framed
61 x 40 cm Unframed -
Alan GoukSolemn Apple Echo, 2020oil on board61 cm x 97 cm
Alan GoukChocktaw Nation IV, 2020oil on board61 cm x 97 cm
Alan GoukFlying Fox - Collision, 2020oil on board60 cm x 93 cm
Alan GoukJu-Ju Gong, 2021oil on board56 cm x 112 cm
John CorleyDUSK , 2022Fine art Giclee print on Natural smooth texture 315gsm paper
Embossed by LHS30 x 40 cm framededition of 5 -
Alan GoukOystercatcher, 2021oil on board30 x 62 cm
Paul TonkinFanciful Notion, 2017Acrylic on canvas50 x 42 cm
Paul TonkinRitornello , 2015Acrylic on canvas180 x 151 cm
Humphrey OceanBulbul, 2018Gouache on paper72 x 46 cm
Humphrey OceanFlycatcher, 2018Gouache on paper72 x 46 cm
Humphrey OceanCrossing, 2017Oil on canvas73 x 92 cm
Anthony EytonDining Room Fireplaceoil on canvas115 x 100 cm
Anthony EytonBenares Bathersoil on canvas164 x 183cm
Anthony EytonThe Oak Treeoil on canvas116 x 76cm
Anthony EytonThe Studiooil on canvas116 x 76cm
Arthur NealPRIVATE VIEW, 2022OIL ON BOARD66 x 96 cm
Julie HeldWindow-Self PortraitOil on canvas167.5 x 122
Paul TonkinCOLLOQUY, 2020Acrylic on canvas87 x 69 cm
Arthur NealTHE LOVERS, 2021oil on paper / board48 x 36 cm
Eileen CooperCybele, 2015oil on canvas35 x 50 cm
Eileen CooperFragments 6, 2016print based collage28.5cm x 38cm
Jennifer DurrantSeries 'Ghirlanda Continua' : Italia No. 23, 1997acrylic and canvas on two panels110.5 x 110.5 cm
John CorleyChannel Storm, 2020acrylic on canvas20 x 30 cm
Arthur NealSea Wind, 2024Oil on paper15 x 15 cm image size
31 x 31 cm framed -
Arthur NealTowards the Pyrenees, 2022Oil on paper15 x 15 cm image size
31 x 31 cm framed -
Arthur NealFrench Landscape I, 2023Oil on paper15 x 15 cm image size
31 x 31 cm framed -
Simon CarterStarting to Rain, 2022Acrylic on paper16 x 21 cm
Simon CarterBeach and Broken, 2022Acrylic on paper16 x 21 cm
Ashley HansonCity of Glass 52 - O, 2017oil on canvas25 x 25 cm
Arthur NealStanding Figure, 2023Oil on paper19 x 14 cm image size
33 x 28 cm framed -
Louisa Longstaff-ScalesUnder the Walnut Tree, 2022Oil and acrylic on panel30 x 30 cm
Framed in a white painted oak tray frame -
John CorleyRichborough, 2015Acrylic on Paper41 x 51 cm
Louisa Longstaff-ScalesA Deluge of Time, 2022Oil and acrylic on panel35.5 x 31.5 cm
Framed in a white painted oak tray frame -
Simon CarterBroken seawall and Gabions, 2021Acrylic on paper21 × 30 cm
Simon CarterBeach, 2021Acrylic on paper21 × 30 cm
Arthur NealMOROCCO, 2019oil on paper33 x 42 xm
John CorleyROMANCE OF THE SEA VI, 2022acrylic on paper40 x 54 cm
Sam DouglasKronstadt Fort, 2017Oil and varnish on board10 cm x 16 cm
Sam DouglasUntitled, 2017Oil and varnish on board11 x 9
John DobbsFlowers and Two Men at the Shore, 2023oil on panel35.5 x 25 cm Unframed
47 x 37 cm Framed -
John CorleyFlow, 2021acrylic on canvas50 x 50 cm
Louisa Longstaff-ScalesAs Michael Sang, 2022Oil and acrylic on panel40 x 50 cm
Framed in a white painted oak tray frame -
Anthony EytonUluruLimited edition Screen-Print
Arthur NealMAN, 2021oil on card35 x 29 cm
Sam DouglasKronstadt Fort 2, 2017Oil and varnish on board12 x 20
Arthur NealSHORELINE, 2021oil on paper39 x 39 cm
Arthur NealGREY AND OCHRE, 2021oil on paper39 x 39 cm
Arthur NealDANCING ON THE BEACH, 2021oil on paper39 x 39 cm
Arthur NealSEASCAPE, 2010oil on canvas30 x 36 cm
Tom EspleyWoman wearing feather hatOil on board40 x 33 cm
John CorleyThe Perilous Sea, 2020acrylic on canvas30 x 40 cm
Arthur NealHEAD, 2021oil on paper37 x 44 cm
Arthur NealFRIENDS, 2022OIL ON BOARD30 x 50 cms
Arthur NealKT SUMMER, 2019Watercolour on paper34.5 x 24.5 cm
Joanna WhittleGrotto, 2020Oil on canvas18 cm x 22 cm
Joanna WhittleTunnel Gate, 2020Oil on canvas18 cm x 22 cm
Joanna WhittleShade of Oaks, 2020Oil on canvas20 cm x 27cm
John CorleyROMANCE OF THE SEA I, 2021acrylic on paper70 x 90 cm
John CorleyROMANCE OF THE SEA II, 2021acrylic on paper70 x 90 cm
Judith TuckerDark marsh: sea lavender, 2019Oil on linen30 cm x 40 cm
Judith TuckerNight Fitties: Nothing was here, it was all open to the beach, 2019Oil on linen60 cm x 80 cm
Tom EspleyThe ActressOil on board74 x 64 cm
Ashley HansonBOOK 1 - (Betty), 2020oil on canvas45 x 70 cm
Ashley HansonBOOK 2 - (Scarlet on Grey), 2020oil on canvas45 x 70 cm
Ashley HansonBOOK 3 - (What do you see), 2020oil on canvas45 x 70 cm
Ashley HansonBOOK 4 - (Kind of Blue), 2020oil on canvas45 x 70 cm
Ashley HansonBOOK 5 - (The Blue Box), 2020oil on canvas45 x 70 cm
Ashley HansonBOOK 6 - (Toxic), 2020oil on canvas45 x 70 cm
Ashley HansonBOOK 7 - (The Beast from the Sea), 2020oil on canvas45 x 70 cm
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