Stephen LewisCONFLUENCE, 2017steel painted65 cm x 25 x 28
Stephen LewisMonitor, 2017bronze33 cm x 35 x 14
Jeff LoweAndromeda, 2021Painted Steel56 (l) x 32 (h) x 19 (d) cm
Jeff LoweHelm, 2021Brass
Robert PerseyWhere the Blue begins, 2014 - 2016Mild steel forged and welded, rusted and waxed107 cm x 122 cm x 120 cm
Robert PerseyFrom my notesBronze50 x 46 x 49 cm1 of 5
Stephen LewisPromenadePainted steel30.00 cm h x 6.00 w and 15.00 l
Stephen LewisINDUSTRIAL CLUSTERBronze25 x 10 x 23 cm
Stephen LewisCANARYBOOMsteel120 m x 35 x 40 cm
Joe PackerRoseskein Dusk, 2021Acrylic on plywood in artists frame45 cm x 33 cm
Jeff LoweAct No. 27, 2021polished brass20 x 25 x 20 cm
Jeff LoweFrom the Close Distance, 2022polished brass5(h) x 8 (l) x 6.5 (w) cm
Jeff LoweAct of Instance No. 23, 2021polished brass30 x 34 x 20 cm
Robert PerseyBack to Front, 2022Mild steel forged and welded, Acid washed and waxed81cms x 51cms x 65 cms