It hardly seems possible that as I write this, the WINTER GROUP SHOW delivery day has come round once more. Admittedly, Kiri has been asking me to finish the exhibition statement for about a month now, however, of course - delivery day it was to be. What’s that expression about pressure and diamonds?


Over the next four hours, artworks by 250 artists will cross the gallery threshold and arrive at their new home for the next two months. Perhaps from here they will then find another new home, and the journey of each work may continue. It’s one of the many things which make being a vessel for the Winter Group Show such an honour for us every year, that this special little gallery by the sea becomes a vector for the arts and for the artists as they come together, each on different routes from diverse studios, to create an exciting, engaging, and totally unique exhibition.


The works will range in media and style, scale and texture, from figuration to abstraction, vibrancy to subtly ; however, the theme which runs through each and every piece is the clear and distinct hand of its maker. This is the question we get asked most often when our annual flagship show is hung and open - what links all the works? What makes the show, ‘work’? The simplest answer would be, "everything and nothing”. Of course, each work is offering the viewer a totally unique angle through their own individual window of visual art; that would be the ‘nothing'. The ‘everything' being the unique offering, the identity of the work being a strong presence in each and every piece, in their own special ways, tackling painterly, sculptural, photographic issues, or taking a different approach - using their discerning window to poke or present a social, personal or political issue. I think that’s it, that’s what makes the show so special - that each one of the creators and makers who have come together to form this wonderful celebration of the visual language have got something to say, and the gallery simply offers the observable microphone to platform these beacons of creation.


Over the years the exhibition has grown and evolved into the highlight of our exhibition programme, it encapsulates everything that the gallery stands for and offers a snapshot of what we are; an all en-compassing centre for the visual arts. There’s work on show from exhibitors of the 'Linden Hall Studio Collection’ with some invited artists, alongside the coruscating range of works from selected artists from our ever enlarging open call.

To the Artists within the show, thank you for being a part of it. It goes without saying that this exhibition, this gallery, all galleries, all forms of arts escapism, couldn’t exist without you. In the ever-changing world around us, your balance and persepective is needed more than ever.


To the audience, I hope you enjoy the exhibition. I am confident that you will. There are moments of levity and joy, snapshots of melchanoly and weightier thoughts, memories of love and hatred. Where to find them in the show? Well you’ll have to come and look for them yourself. Isn’t that what all great shows make you do? Stop, and simply look.


Here’s to more stopping and looking.

Myles Corley
Gallery Director
Linden Hall Studio

Click to download the list of works below to view the works within the exhibition!