The Desperate Hours I: Hospital
The Desperate Hours I shows life in a hospital ward, where we glimpse the effects of underfunding from the perspective of a patient. An animated film shows as live action revealing the struggle to maintain wellbeing in a chaotic and understaffed ward as the workforce do their best to juggle the demands of clinical work with the ever-increasing requirements around documentation. N.B .The strategic placing of the patient’s foot ensures that the installation is suitable for all age groups and sensibilities.
The Desperate Hours I shows life in a hospital ward, where we glimpse the effects of underfunding from the perspective of a patient. An animated film shows as live action revealing the struggle to maintain wellbeing in a chaotic and understaffed ward as the workforce do their best to juggle the demands of clinical work with the ever-increasing requirements around documentation. N.B .The strategic placing of the patient’s foot ensures that the installation is suitable for all age groups and sensibilities.
51cm H x 46cm W x 40cm D containing 3-D scene showing animated film as if live action
Mixed media with integral DVD and customised plinth matching footprint. Headphones provided. Plug in and play.